Each month, Little League® International is providing a quick look at important information and events for the month ahead. We invite you to review and share with your colleagues and friends. Another great resource for keeping up to date on Little League’s latest training and educational efforts is Little League University. Designed for volunteers, league and District Administrators, coaches, and parents, this free website is a wonderful portal for experiencing and learning about the Little League.
Rules and Regulation Changes for 2017
Each year, the Little League International Board of Directors submits proposed rule and regulation changes that the Little League International Rules Committee then approves. As part of the annual fall meeting of the Board of Directors, new rule changes and regulations have been approved for the 2017 season. Be sure to check out all of the changes for the 2017 season, including important updates on new mandatory background checks and updated residency requirements, and contact your District Administrator or Regional Office to find out if there are any Rule Seminars, League Administration Clinics, or Little League University on the Road events coming up in your area.
New Chartering and Insurance Enrollment Process for 2017
Due to unforeseen circumstances in updating the Little League Data Center for the 2017 season, online chartering for your league is not available this year. Completion and submission of a charter application and insurance enrollment form is the only method to charter and purchase insurance for 2017. These forms were included in the Local League Resource Guide mailed to your League President that Little League International currently has on file. If your league has not received its Local League Resource Guide including its chartering information, please contact your District Administrator or check with a past-League President. You are welcome to contact Little League International, as well. For those looking to sign up with your local league, visit PlayLittleLeague.org today and find one near you.
Little League University Provides Immediate Access to Content
Following the one-year anniversary of the launch of Little League® University, Little League Baseball and Softball has announced the removal of the sign-in portal of the website to help provide immediate access to thousands of pieces of educational content.